Monday, October 17, 2011

[ timing is everything ]

"...when i remember that day
when our eyes first meet
you ran into the building to get out of the rain
cuz’ you were soaking wet
and as i held the door
you wanted to know my name
timing is everything
and i could have been another minute late
and you never would have crossed my path that day
and when it seems true love is hard to find
that’s when love comes along
just in time
well you can call it fate
or destiny
sometimes it really
seems like
it’s a mystery
cause you can be hurt by love
or healed by the same
timing is everything..."

Timing is everything- Garret Hedlund
picture taken in fall, 2010

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ideario- Franciso M. Ortega Palomares

Me da vértigo el punto muerto
y la marcha atrás,
vivir en los atascos,
los frenos automáticos y el olor a gasoil.

... Me angustia el cruce de miradas
la doble dirección de las palabras
y el obsceno guiñar de los semáforos.
Me arruinan las prisas y las faltas de estilo,
el paso obligatorio, las tardes de domingo
y hasta la línea recta.

Me enervan los que no tienen dudas
y aquellos que se aferran
a sus ideales sobre los de cualquiera.

Me cansa tanto tráfico
y tanto sinsentido,
parado frente al mar mientras que el mundo gira.
IDEARIO - Francisco M. Ortega Palomares

P.s: I try to find this poem in English, but I could not find it. A pity, this should be shared worldwide.- One day I'll translate it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

[ cascadas de pensamientos ]

[ Cascades of thoughts ]
And sometimes I wish I could go back in time. Not to change or erase the past, but to stop, observe, smell, and absorb in my memory  all those place that one I saw and did not dedicate the enough time to admire its beauty. Those places, those people, those things...