Saturday, February 5, 2011

Do you know what is a velero? Probably not, since it is a Spanish word. However, can you imagine a place where the sun kisses your skin, the sea rocks you like a loving parent and the wind sings music to your ears in a mixture of natural sounds? You can only get there with a velero. And I’ve been there. I’ve been getting there my with my granddad's velero, a big white sail boat. And since the beginning, all I remember is days, afternoons and evenings of sun and salt, of water and nature. In Spain, swimming in the softness of the Mediterranean Sea.
And now, these days, when I think of my country, all that I can think of is being with my eyes closed, a hand feeling the warn wood, dried out because of the salt and the sun…with one foot on the crystalline water full of life…

Eyes closed, lying on my boat, being swayed by the gentle movement of the sea…

Roses, Spain, Summer 2010
When the sun goes down, it clothes the sky with infinite colores and vivid shapes...can life get any better?

1 comment:

  1. Quins records! El falconera, l'avi, la costa llunyana,la mar mediterrĂ nia, la calma, la.......
